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Benefits and hazards when using chemicals TOXIC (NaOH)

Chemical or sodium hydroxide in industry is often called caustic soda or caustic soda, when bringing this solvent dissolved in water they will form a strong alkaline solution. In industry, NaOH chemicals are used to treat water, paper industry, textile dyeing, chemical cleaning, soap or detergent. In the article below, we will help you learn some applications of industrial NaOH chemicals as well as the dangers of this chemical for your reference:

First of all, About the benefits of NaOH chemicals

+ In the pharmaceutical industry

In the pharmaceutical industry, chemicals such as sodium phenolate are used to relieve pain in Aspirin or as a medical antiseptic, ...

+ In the chemical cleaning industry

NaOH and sodium compounds are considered important components in the production of water-based detergents such as Javen as an effective bleach. In addition, sodium hydroxide is also used to hydrolyze fats in animal fats and oils, so it is also used as dishwashing liquid.

Besides, with mixing this chemical with hot water, then NaOH chemicals will form an effective detergent for technological equipment, storage tanks, exhaust pipes under sinks and discharge culverts, drainage pipes. country. Or when soaking stainless steel, glass in the chemical soda also has a very good degreasing effect, people also apply them to make boiler cleaning chemicals. NaOH caustic soda also has a positive effect in cleaning the washing machine cage to help improve the washing machine after a period of use.

+ In the paper manufacturing industry

In this industry, caustic chemicals work to treat and whiten wood, bamboo, ... according to Sulfate and Soda technologies.

+ In the textile and dyeing industry

- NaOH caustic soda is used to decompose pectins, wax in the process of rough fabric helps increase the gloss as well as the ability to absorb the color of the fabric.

+ In the oil and gas industry

Chemicals containing sodium ingredients will help adjust the pH for drilling fluids to remove sulfates, sulfate compounds and acid compounds in oil refining.

+ In the food industry

In this area, Caustic chemicals work to remove fatty acids in the process of refining vegetable and animal oils before putting them into food production. In addition, people also mixed this chemical into a solution for processing vegetables before processing or packaging.

+ In the water treatment industry

In water treatment, sodium-containing chemicals are used for the purpose of adjusting the pH and regenerating ion exchange resins. In addition, it is also used to neutralize and remove scale in pipes.

Second, the dangers and precautions when using NaOH chemicals

In addition to the characteristics and advantages that NaOH chemicals use in industries, this type of chemical is also potentially dangerous to humans if used incorrectly. Here are some dangers from NaOH chemicals that you need to keep in mind:

+ If you inhale NaOH gas for a long time, it will lead to suffocation which seriously affects the respiratory organ.

+ If you stick to the skin, you will feel that the area of ​​the skin is viscous and lead to burning. If chemicals stick to clothing, it will cause corrosion and decay.

+ If you swallow this chemical into your body, it will cause gastric podium, which is caused by high humidity environment, so NaOH will react with water and produce high heat, leading to this phenomenon.

+ If NaOH chemical gets into the eyes, it will cause damage to the eye area, if severe, can cause serious consequences as blindness.

The above are some applications of NaOH chemicals in the industry as well as its dangers that you need to keep in mind. In addition, you can consult us at Xuong Minh chemical site, we provide a full range of industrial chemicals, chat flowers, ... with quality products as well as dedicated consultants will bring safety and peace of mind to consumers.
