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What is a chemical product? And things to keep in mind when using

Definition of chemical composition

Chemical preparations are chemicals that combine together at a certain rate, although in the process of producing chemical preparations have been minimized to their toxicity, but when it is already chemical it is impossible to bring the toxic level to zero.

The toxicity of chemical preparations will determine the environmental friendliness and the user. Not only that but it also affects the cost and reliability of users.

Notes when using chemical preparations

In the process of using these preparations, the manufacturer also gives users the accompanying tips: should have the accompanying equipment such as protective clothing, masks, gloves ... in order to protect health, protect consumers from the unnecessary risks of chemical preparations.

Cases of non-compliance with the manual or subjective do not have the necessary equipment as indicated above can lead to unfortunate consequences such as skin flaking without hands and lungs may be affected by inhalation of chemical toxins ... or even when not read carefully or do not follow the instructions, it can cause undesirable things such as the effectiveness of the use is not high, may cause minor errors during use.

Chemical preparations will have different physicochemical properties, so that in the process of conducting, it is necessary to comply with the requirements set by the manufacturer and technical staff for the whole process. smoothly and the results of the use of chemicals are most effective, avoiding losses and unfortunate things.

Regarding the preservation of chemical products: depending on chemical compositions, there are different preservation methods. But basically, there are some things to keep in mind such as not being allowed to avoid direct sunlight, to avoid rain, to separate from food, to avoid reach of children, to avoid the kitchen as it may cause fire and explosion ...

Source: hoanhuaphuhung.vn
