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Supplying Sodium hydroxide 99% - Chinese Scales

Sodium hydroxide 99% - What is Chinese Scale?

Chemical Information Sodium hydroxide 99%

Sodium hydroxide 99% - Chinese Scales with white or granular properties, Naoh seeds are very easy to absorb CO2 in the air to transform into Na2CO3. Therefore NAOH chemicals are usually stored in sealed containers, or packaged in protective multi-layer packaging.

Sodium hydroxide 99% - Caustic soda is a chemical used in many industrial plants. With quite alkaline properties, sodium hydroxide is often used to produce sodium salts or detergents, especially to adjust the concentration of suitable solution pH, in addition to being able to synthesize substances Organic is very effective.

Caustic flakes with a large amount are produced by the manufacturer of a caustic solution depending on the content.

Relevant applications of Chemicals Sodium hydroxide 99% - Chinese Flakes
Chinese Scale Scales of Solid Scales is a strong base, used as detergent, catalyst, to regulate PH, chemical reagents ...

Sodium hydroxide 99% reacts violently to water and releases a large amount of heat, dissolving in ethanol and methanol. It is also soluble in ether and non-polar solvents.

» The cleaning functions of NAOH 99% Taiwan

99% sodium hydroxide is often used in cleaning equipment and materials, especially the surface cleaning of stainless steel and glassware because of the strong bleaching of sodium hydroxide. In addition, it can also be used to stabilize solutes, prevent redistribution.

99% sodium hydroxide in China is often used as a cleaning agent, to disinfect and function to preserve equipment systems. The advantage of this chemical is its high efficiency, easy removal of dirt and surface treatment with low cleaning costs.

For removing substances such as proteins or nucleic acids, 99% NAOH is highly effective. At the same time, if using sodium hydroxide to control the activity of yeast, toxins or bacteria virus is also very effective.

When using granulating chemicals to apply detergents for mass industrial plants, it is recommended to use NAOH with salt (na2co3) to save more time for treatment and disinfection.

Sodium hydroxide is considered as a good industrial cleaning agent, and will often be called by another name Caustic soda. When you want to cleanse the detergent, add the chemical to the mixture and mix it with water and then wait for the warm caustic solution (cool) to use it to clean any device or any contact area. In addition, the destruction and dissolution of fats, lipids or any protein does not interfere with sodium hydroxide.

In addition, Sodium hydroxide 99% - Chinese Caustic Soda is also used in the production of dyeing textile, detergent soap, bleaching pulp material, bleaching aluminum polishing ...

In petrochemical products, NAOH is also a component of producing Biodiesel fuel (biofuel) to replace the exhausted Diezel oil.

Sodium hydroxide 99% is the most common substance used in chemical laboratories, to sanitize cleaning of on-site equipment (CIP) chemicals.

In the water treatment industry: Sodium containing chemicals are used for the purpose of regulating pH as well as regenerating ion exchange resins. NAOH also features water softening, water treatment in dyeing, and glass bottle cleaning.

» Digestion of animal skin tissues (tanning chemicals)

For processes used to digest animal tissues, NAOH 99% is a chemical that removes animal carcasses when containing them, in a closed chamber. This process takes place when they add sodium hydroxide to the water, then mix it with water on the carcass. Soon, the bodies of the animals will quickly turn into a colored liquid like coffee, the only thing left is the bones of the animals, but it has been corroded, so it can be squeezed. Broken by hand.

Caustic Soda is a strong base, it is capable of eroding production equipment. Should pay attention to corrosion equipment. And be careful, ensure safety in the production process.

Buy chemicals Sodium hydroxide 99% - Where is China?
Dac Truong Phat chemical import and export company is a supplier of Sodium hydroxide 99% - Chinese Scales in Ho Chi Minh City, the chemicals we distribute ensure quality goods and stable source, price both very competitive, suitable to the actual use needs of each customer.

You need to order chemicals or get more information about Sodium hydroxide 99% - Chinese Scales, please contact our sales department on hotline 028. 3504.5555 or send a message to email : hoachat@dactruongphat.vn. Let us be consulted about the product details, and quote the current chemicals.

In addition to Sodium hydroxide 99% chemicals - Chinese Sorbate, Dac Truong Phat Chemical Company also provides its customers with the best industrial chemicals with reasonable prices in the market. Especially our industrial chemical products, originated from different factory brands in the world. Our imported chemical products are diversified, suitable for all industries and all chemical products are guaranteed by us.

Source: dactruongphat.vn
