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  • Chemical name : NATRI NITRAT
  • Recipe : NANO3
  • Content : 1330-43-4
  • Origin : South Korea
  • Specification : 25kg / bag, 50Kg / bag
  • Contact price : 0965 506 165
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Other names: salt, salt, Soda nitre, Chile saltpeter, Sodium saltpeter, Nitratine, Nitric acid sodium salt, Sodiumnitrat.

Shape: NaNO3 in white granular form.

Preserved in dry, cool place.


Sodium nitrate is widely used as fertilizer and raw material in the manufacture of gunpowder. It can combine with iron hydroxide to form a resin.
Used in the production of nitric acid by reaction with sulfuric acid.
Another less common application is that sodium nitrate can be used as an oxidizer to replace potassium nitrate in fireworks.
Sodium nitrate is also used in combination with potassium nitrate in solar thermal collectors.
In addition, sodium nitrate is also used to treat wastewater by supplying nitrate to aerobic microorganisms, which helps the wastewater treatment process by microorganisms happen faster.


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