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Mono Potassium Phosphate - MKP

  • Chemical name : Mono Amonium Phosphate
  • Recipe : KH2PO4
  • Content : MKP
  • Origin : China
  • Specification : 25kg / bag
  • Contact price : 0965 506 165
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White crystal Min 98%
MonoPotassium Phosphate (KH2PO4), also known as MKP: Contains 35% K2O and 52% P2O5. Due to the high price, this fertilizer prioritizes spraying on leaves for high economic efficiency, stimulating early flowering and uniformity, high fruiting rate.
MKP fertilizer is a full name Mono Potassium Phosphate. Stool containing 2 main nutrients is phosphorus (52%) and potassium (34%) in completely soluble form, so it is often used as foliar fertilizer or mixed into drip irrigation system. MKP fertilizer does not contain protein, so it is easy to adjust the amount of nitrogen fertilizer according to crop needs.
Mono Potassium Phosphate is often used in periods of high demand for phosphorus and potassium. When sprayed in the period of seedlings with 4-6 leaves, MKP helps root system to develop early, plants absorb nutrients easily and thus increase drought resistance. In the environment of alum poisoning and organic poisoning, MKP spray has the effect of stimulating young roots, helping the rice plant recover quickly.
Due to the absence of protein, MKP is often used in the rainy season to replace potassium nitrate (KNO3) in order to provide potassium to increase crop yield and to limit some diseases such as blast, sheath, and blight. letter
- Application:

Used in agriculture: Phosphate rich and potassium rich, suitable for fertilizing plants in the period of flowering and fruit set.
A type of chemical used in microbial fermentation in the production of MSG, bread yeast; used as micro-fertilizer, ...
Raw materials for fertilizer production.
Mono Potassium Phosphate contains Phosphate and ultra-high Potassium in an easy-to-absorb form that helps plant growth; hard, against falling; flowering concentrates, fruit setting evenly.
Helps seedlings to develop strong roots, resist root choking; increase water and nutrient absorption; helps plants recover quickly after planting or is flooded, drought, organic poisoning.
Stimulating plants to develop buds; promote the differentiation of flowering, high flowering, high fruiting rate; limit the loss of young flowers and fruits; Rice flowering in bulk, anti-choking.
Helps quickly transport nutrients to fruits, tubers and seeds; increase the sweetness of fruit trees; increase starch content for tubers and rice plants; extend storage time.
Increased tolerance (cold, drought, alum ...); resistance to pests and diseases
- Note:

Do not exceed the recommended dosage; should be sprayed in the early morning and late afternoon, avoid heavy rain.
Can be mixed with other fertilizers to spread; watering the root (20% more than the spraying amount for the plant)
- Storage instructions:

Seal the packaging when not in use, store in a cool, dry place.
Safety warning information: Wear gloves and masks when using fertilizers.


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